Building a personal brand has become a necessity in a large number of areas today. Practically any creative field requires a person to have a brand and to market that brand worldwide if they have any hopes of gaining exposure. Brands for trades professionals and consultants require the same attention and effort. Marketing a personal brand today requires individuals to follow a handful of key steps if they have any hopes of becoming enormously successful.

Leverage social media

In this day and age, social media is the secret to getting a personal brand off the ground. Individuals can use social media for all kinds of brand-building exercises. An individual can reach out to the hundreds or thousands of people in their own personal social network. They can contact other companies and share products or creative work. Individuals can also post high-quality content that has the potential of going viral and reaching thousands or even millions of people. These efforts are all unpaid and essential for growing a brand in the early period where an individual does not have the budget for marketing or advertising. Except for the time spent, it is also free advertising. Individuals can do research on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and leverage their posts to reach even more people.

Meet prominent people in your field

Another helpful step for a personal brand is to meet the power players in a particular field. Every field has people who would be great connections like Nancy Etz. They can help introduce a person to the publishers, financiers, and producers who make fields run efficiently. This process can be achieved in a number of venues. Social media platforms often have both famous and lower-level individuals on them. This broad expanse means that well-crafted tweets and Facebook posts could reach people with either no power or significant power.

In addition, there are numerous events that a person may attend where they network and meet with high-powered donors and executives. Giving the right pitch at the right time could ensure that a person gets in front of the people they need to meet in order to succeed int heir business. It only takes one of these opportunities to have a person’s career explode, such as a freelance article that turns into a job or a tryout that turns into a record contract.

Use traditional advertising

Traditional advertising is the third area in which people can market their personal brand. Advertising contains a number of multitudes that a person can take advantage of. They can advertise through social media. In this process, they can boost certain posts so that they reach people who fit the demographic characteristics that would be most receptive towards purchasing their product. Many people also interact with radio ads, newspaper ads, and television ads. All of these ads can be targeted and delivered to a particular group at an advantageous time. In addition, people can use these ads to sell both a brand and a particular item. The item helps bring in more revenue and offset the initial costs of the ad. It can also be a basic focal point for the establishment of a brand. When it comes to items that complement a brand, a person can advertise thousands of different things. One of the easiest to produce in the 21st century is an e-book. An e-book only has to be 60 or 70 pages and can be easily published with a major online publisher. For almost no upfront costs, a person can have a book that is read and bought by thousands of people.

Marketing a personal brand has become easier in some ways and harder in others over the past few years. The process has been greatly democratized. People no longer have to work with brand consultants and industry gatekeepers in order to reach massive audiences. They simply have to create quality content and then leverage the power of social media in order to accomplish their brand goals. But on the other hand, democratization has resulted in millions of people competing with one another for limited space in the public attention span. Individuals have to work hard and collaborate with professionals such as Nancy Etz for their brand to have any chance at significant success.